The vintage Motor Cycle Club - VMCC
The Vintage Motor Cycle Club


VMCC Section

Phone: +44(0)1283 540 557

Registered Address

Allen House, Wetmore Road,

Burton upon Trent,

Staffordshire, DE14 1TR

March Section Events

Wednesday 19th Pub Night at the Full Moon, about 8pm.


Wednesday 26th Breakfast ride in to London Gliding Club, 10am onwards.

March 2025, a cold day, we went to Oxford Bus Museum

April Section Events

Wednesday 2nd, Club Night at the White Hill Centre Chesham, upstairs lecture room, 8pm. Talk on Motorcycle Drag Racing.


Wednesday 9th Midweek Run, we will be visiting the Farmers Boy Kensworth for Lunch.


Wednesday 16th Pub Night at the Full Moon, 8pm for a chat.


Monday 21st Spring Run, provisionally going to the 3 locks Pub. 10.30 for 11am departure from the Full moon.


Wednesday 23th Breakfast ride in at the London Gliding club (Dunstable) TBC. 10am.

2025 run leader’s and committee members wanted.

I am still short of run leaders and planners for 2025. We are about to lose a member of committee too. There are now several committee vacancies, if you feel you can add to the running of the section please speak to Richard or Phil.

If you wish to lead a run, have a place you want to visit, or wish to help with the running of club events let me know. Remember, run leading is not that difficult, you would need to be able to let the secretary know where you want to go and check the route before the event.

Winter wanderings have not run for the last few years, anyone brave enough? Let me know.

The section 2025 calendar is now on the news page.

Novembers midweek run went to Denham, hunt the nut.

Quainton 2024

Emergency contacts

The section secretary has an emergency contact list, this is not for publication, but, if you wish to give the name of your emergency contact and phone number he can add it to the list for use in an emergency.

If you are not a VMCC member you are welcome to join us at any of our coffee mornings, breakfast ride in, and club nights, our only members only event is the AGM.

Some runs are open as taster runs for prospective members, so come along and introduce youself. The easiest way to contact me is by e mail, click below


Many of you have asked after Glyn, he is doing quite well, and can be visited at Water Mill House Care Home, Rose Lane, Red Lion Lane, Kings Langley. 01442 510770

Bit of a damp morning, just four of us set of for Chearsley show, luckily others joined us at Chearsley

Fake e mails again

Sadly it appears that a number of members (and members of other related clubs) have been sent e mails claiming to be from a club member, requesting help. If you get one of these e mails, delete it, report it, but do not open or respond to it. If you are concerned as to the health of a mate ring him, ring me, and I will ring him, but don't be conned by fake e mails. Do not send money.

Quainton 2024

Good selection of machines at the start of the August Midweek Run 2024

Quainton 2024

Quainton 2024